HOORAH we are here.
The trip was a cold wet day from St Petersburg to Helsinki as the last days drive for the epic trip.
We arrived in Helsinki with a front right tyre in need of replacing before I head to the UK tomorrow on the ferry to Germany.
We have all arrived safety in Helsinki and I’m typing this final blog while we are all have a final lunch that will most likely turn in to the final dinner. Everyone is very busy celebrating.
So after 59 days on the road we are now in Helsinki. wit
Some quick facts on our trip;
The best road for the trip had to be the 130k into Helsinki on the new four lane motorway.
The worst road for the trip was on the day that I hit the car in China. In China when they are about to rebuild a road it was busted up with a rock hammer to slow the traffic.
We have travelled a total of 18,876 kilometres to get here of which we were towed about 50k while broken down. I drove all but about 20k, one afternoon when I was to tired to get the last bit into town.
We only had 9 days out of the 60 that we didn’t drive.
The longest drive was 955 kilometres in central China.
The shortest day was 20 kilometres in Khorog when we changed our oil on the rest day.
The highest pass was 4865 metres as we crossed the edge of the Tibetan plateau in China
The lowest was -29 metres as we travel around the northern end of the Caspian Sea.
The most spectacular part of the trip other then every day the special time was along Tajik Afghan border with the Hindu Kush the backdrop.
We have had 6 flat tyres.
Penny has used just under 4000 litres of fuel for the trip.
Penny will be going home to Australia for a very big check over and fix ready for the next adventure wherever that will be.
Some interesting events that have come to mind;
I had meet my passenger Maurie only twice before we left Bangkok and we’ve had a great time together and great company along with fantastic help in repairing Penny. If I was ever in need of a passenger and company for another trip he would be the first person I call.
For the whole 60 days 11 completely different and independent people got along fantastically.
Before we could ever leave a hotel in China we had to wait while the towels got counted in every room. One hotel even charged us because the towels were put on the floor after a shower and got dirty.
Everyone washed and hung stuff on the lights to dry. I lost a pair of sock 2 days ago that I had worn and washed everyday. I was typing and could smell something burning so turned around to find my socks smoking. As I removed my smoking socks from the light I read the sign I had covered “ caution extremely hot surface” my bad.
Finally as this is my last blog post;
I must thank everyone on the trip that has helped Penny and I get to Helsinki.
The most important people to thank is everyone who has been following this blog. It has been all of you reading the blog and sending me emails and responses that have given me the drive to stay up and write a post when some night all I wanted to do was go to sleep.
Thank you all.
Norton Hawes
Congratulations to you all on the successful end of yet another mammoth trip. I will miss reading the email / blogs and I cant wait to find out where the next trip will start and end. Thailand to Finland is there a longer trip than that?
Have a safe trip home
Norton and Adele
Oh Bless You Max. How kind to thank your followers when you are actually the star by keeping us up to speed and sharing your magic trip with wonderful descriptions and simply fantastic photos.
I have loved logging on every day to see how you, Maurie and the glorious Lady that is Penny have travelled for that day. You never have told me the inspiration behind her name but I am thrilled we share it and I hope I turn into a magnificent old Lady just like my namesake. How long are you visiting the UK for? I would have been thrilled to meet you. Maybe next time?
I have loved every Kilometre of your drive, thank you.
Regards Penny
Ruth Palsson
So glad Penny made it without a disaster! Have a safe trip to UK and i will miss the blog!
Love Ruth
Max Stephenson
Catch you when i get home sometime Ruth.
Love Max
John Young
Well Max, quite a brave adventure – congratulations to both you, Penny and your eclectic group. I have followed your blogs and great photos every day and really looked forward to them. I will feel a friend is missing now in the morning when I look for your posts. I tour a 1930 Model A Ford so have a great deal of sympathy for your travails. Good luck getting home and on your next adventure(s).
John Young, San Antonio, Texas
Max Stephenson
Hi John
Thanks for the congrats.
glad you enjoyed the Blog
John Lang
As the previous owner of Penny, I marvel at your use of the car and the adventures you have both experienced. You have used the 90 + year old car as it was built to be used and I envy both your spirit and the car’s. Look after her, she is a gem.
Max Stephenson
Hi John
i hope to have many more trips with Penny when i give her a lot of love and attention when i get home.
Hello Max.
Congratulations and well done to both you and Maurie…..of course Penny has done it again for you and will be well remembered in the 23-60 fraternity……as the slogan says, she is truly a car “Superexcellent”.
You must be proud that no other vintage car in the world has ever completed the epic journeys that you have undertaken in Penny over the past few years. She now has so many international miles behind her and is certainly a credit to both you and Vauxhall.
See you back in Oz.
Congratulations, Max. Your blogs have been wonderful! I am going to miss them. Please pass my regards to the rest of the Aussie Bounders. I hope I can see you-all when you return.
Max Stephenson
will do Don
Sallymae Bailey
BIG Congratulations Max and the gang. You have kept me sane at work over these last 59 days,with a rather boring job.
Watching your GPS tracker, the fabulous photos, the insightful writing — all marvellous stuff and exploring the wild parts of the world that are fast disappearing. I am so glad you are all safe, sound, healthy and still good friends. What a testament to you all!
Enjoy celebrating the achievement and I am sure there will be many times you have a few beverages back in OZ and remember the unusual, challenging and funny times you had.
Special hugs to Garry and Joanne my Bash buddies.
Travel safe for the rest of the trip.
i have loved getting to work every day and seeing a penny to Helsinki update! looks like an amazing trip all round, have fun with the last leg getting penny home!
🙂 Corina.
Max Stephenson
Hi Corina
I’m gald you enjoyed the blog.
Thanks you for your fantastic blog. In some small way, we have been able to be part of your wonderful adventure, and also keep up with what Frank is up to!
Like I mentioned before, you should write a book about your travels, it has been very easy reading for the passed 59 days, I have enjoyed every daily update.
Safe travels through the UK, hopefully it will be nice easy driving to finish your trip.
Wishing everyone a safe trip home!
Regards, Kim x
Max Stephenson
hi Kim
we tried to look after Frank for you but its hard as you know.
Sue howie
Glad to know you got there. I enjoyed reading all those final facts and little bits especially the bit about the towels
love from Sue
Les Summerscales
Well done to all. Max you are a very inspiring man and i will miss your daily blogs massively. its like your favorite series coming to the end. i wish you and your co travelers a good onward trip home. i am already missing the blogs. all the best Les Summerscales, Surrey England…….
Andrea Benton
Congratulations to all of you and this most marvellous of adventures. And thanks so much for the updates here, the tales, the photos, and the GPS updates. I’ve loved watching your travels. Special love to Garry and Jo.