Southern Siberian Storms

Today was a 690 kilometres drive with a couple hundred kilometres of dirt road and time controls from Novosibirsk to Omsk.

The day started with a gala send of from Novosibirsk in the main Square as it was celebrating 123 year since it started.

The drive after we left town was as flat as it gets anywhere with the only high spots for the day being the bridges over Railway lines and other roads.

As we drove along the tarmac we watched the storms rolling along to the north of us in the direction of our planed dirt timed sections.

We were nearly at start of the first time control when we meet car coming back as the section was cancelled due to the slippery condition so it was back to the main road to Omsk to finish the day.

The rest of the afternoon was spent overtaking the numerous trucks and slowing for storms as we drove across the flattest plain with cereal crop farm of all different standard amongst the swamps and tree.

My past experiences driving in Russia tells me we have days of this ahead till we get to Southern Poland.

I think most people enjoyed the easier days driving after the busy time fixing cars on the rest day and the gruelling time in Mongolia.

As we cross Russia and I’m back in Blog mode I’ll try and cover some of Mongolia over the coming days.


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