Day Four

This was another day of 180 Ks of tracks before 250 Ks of Tar Seal.
As we drove up through the desert we passed to trucks loaded with broken cars on the way to garages in Ulaan Batar.

Our bigest problem for the day was we never saw a huge bump in the road and hit it fairly hard and did a tube so out with the jack and another tyre change.
We were amongst the first group to arrive in UB for a day of rest, servicing and repairing tyres.

Gossip has it that 14 cars arrived in UB on trucks so some crews have a busy time repairing.

Day One

We all drove out through a lot of trucks to the great wall at Badaling. Due to the traffic the start was delayed 1 hour to allow for all entrants to arrive.
The departed for Paris at 9.10 with acompanied Chinese drums playing before proceeded out in to the country side and away from the pollution of Beijing to finish the day at a beautiful hotel beside a lake for the first night.