Quick Phone Update.
We got in on a truck last night.
Thanks to the gracious support and assistance provided by the crews of Car 84 and Car 3 we have welded up our steering arm and are back on the road this morning.
Quick Phone Update.
We got in on a truck last night.
Thanks to the gracious support and assistance provided by the crews of Car 84 and Car 3 we have welded up our steering arm and are back on the road this morning.
Turkmenabat to Ashgabad.
We were 200 km from Turkmenabat and we stopped in a town and realised we had broken a steering arm, so Penny is on the back of a truck going to Ashgabad. We are both in the front seat of the truck and I am recovering from heat stroke and presently have a bout of diarrhoea. Not the best day for us today, but we’ve both had a nap in the truck and in a few hours we will arrive in Ashgabad and try to find a workshop and get welding and fixing Penny so we can drive across the border into Iran tomorrow. (Julie is loading this blog enrty) It looks like it is going to be a long night, but hopefully we can get the steering arm welded and we can get on the road again.
Tashkent to Turkmenbat
We had the hottest day of our trip so far and at the border crossing between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan I didn’t have enough to drink and ended up with heat stroke. I went off to the docs and everything was ok and he said I had heat stroke, and I just had to keep drinking lots. We decided to keep the hood on tomorrow to keep us in the shade.