Another day down, we were well rested after the 18 hour boat cruise down to Greece and disembarking saw us face first into rain, rain and a wee bit more rain, oh and more tunnels! The main highway out of Inguminesta (something like that) literraly went straight upward, up and up through the hills until about 3 and a half thousand feet amongst the snow.
Once we popped over the top of the mountains the weather cleared up and we took our roof off to enjoy the scenery a bit better, especially as we knew our route would take us to Kalambaca (something like that) to the giant rock formations with monasteries perched on the top, I think they were also featured in a James Bond movie once. And they were spectacular!
A bit more of a transit and we were leaving the valley floor and on to the top of the next set of ranges to do some time trails up in the snow somewhere. The slog from 500 feet to 3000 feet was done without getting out of second gear the entire way, round and round the hairpins that seemed like they went on forever. Every now and then going through a little town that looked like it was stuck in the 1800’s and at times was less than one lane wide and you had to breath in to fit between two opposite building corners. The timed sections were once again so much fun!
All day me and dad have been laughing, because every now and then we would be overtaken by a 240z or a peugot 504 (Alex and Nigel respectivel) and then get overtaken by them again and we say “wtf, they must have taken the wrong turn and got lost AGAIN!” My god it’s funny when it happens 4 or 5 times for the day!
You can really see how stuffed the Greek economy is, everywhere there is half finished construction zones, roadworks that looks like the workers have literally walked away at the end of the day and never come back, a bridge over a valley but with no road at either end of it.
Tomorrow we rally on some smooth graded gravel roads and make our way to the next port to get the longest ferry ride down to Egypt (I don’t handle boats at the best of time so i hope this 40hour crossing the Mediterranean sea will be hassel free)