Kashgar to Osh.

Our 4 days in Kashgar was spent wandering the Markets, doing a bit of service work, catching up on Blogs and resting ready for the next stage in the Stans.

The highlight of all the markets was the Sunday livestock market on the outskirts of Kashgar and is labeled the biggest livestock market in China.It is still trading in the same fashion as years ago and has great butchers and stalls cooking sheep in all forms.

One of the funniest sites was the couple that had purchased a sheep I guess for the pot, and then tied its feet up and put it on the back seat of a little car like a Ford Festiva.

We said goodbyes to our Tibetan guide Danzeng of the last 25 days, and our driver Mr Goo who had been with us since we entered China 31 days ago in Mohan. Both of which were absolutely fantastic in looking after us, always ensuring the formalities were completed and  we had nice meals and to put our heads down each night.

 A local Guide escorted us through all the formalities to the Irkeshtam border crossing into Kyrgyzstan. After all the border paperwork was completed we headed off on our own to Osh for the night stop in where we had arranged to collect 2 spare tyres the next morning to get us through the rest of the trip.

Finding our hotel became a bit of a challenge at 8.30 in the dark. This was solved when we ended in a dead end street and asking some locals who understood no english other then the name of the hotel. One man eventually climbed on the running board and held on to the roll bar and directed us the 2 k’s to our hotel. As we turned into the entrance he stepped off saying goodbye and vanished into the night to walk back to his house before we had a chance to offer any thanks.

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