Bhutan and Beyond Let the Adventure Begin!

Some of you are new to my Blog posts and have been included from my email address book, as you have shown some interest in the travels that I have done with Penny our 1923 Vauxhall.

Julie and I have arrived in Kolkata ready for the start of the next Adventure with Penny. The start date is the 1st Nov. when everyone will arrive to clear all the cars through Indian Customs on the 2nd Nov.

After the cars are cleared we are all heading south to Sundarbans Park in the Ganges Delta in the hope of seeing Bengal Tigers in the wild. While this is happening all of the cars are being transported by truck through the worst traffic to meet up with us at the town of Siliguri in the north near Darjeeling where the driving begins.

This Adventure for Julie and I is in 2 stages with the first stage being a non-competitive rally through Bhutan being organised by RallyRound and finishing in Guwahati in eastern India on the 23rd Nov.

Kolkata to Bangkok

The second stage is Julie and I along with Frank and Ross from the Bangkok to Helsinki trip last year are heading back to Bangkok across Myanmar, Thailand and through Laos before returning to Bangkok some time mid December to ship the cars home.

You can view the preparation of Penny for the trip at the link or further down in this Blog.

During this whole adventure I will endeavour to blog everyday or so as the Internet allows. Julie will also be doing a regular blog, which will give a view of the trip through a totally different set of eyes and mind. This can be visited at, she will be sending you all one post as a taster so you can check out her perspective on our travels to decide if you want to subscribe.

Till the next time thank you.

One Comment

  1. Tubby

    Hello Julie and Max.

    Good luck from Mary and I on your adventure. I have now retired from Antique Tyres so will look forward to reading of your movements about India etc and hope that Penny behaves herself like a true lady.

    When you get back Oz I would like you to bring Julie to Sydney for me as I need some work done on my 23-60 and now that she has the experience of getting into places under the car to which I no longer fit, I would be grateful for her help…..I will supply all the hand wash and degreaser for her at the end of each days work.

    Drive safely.


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