On Tuesday after getting the customs for our cars sorted in Kolkata on Monday we headed south to the Sunderbans National Park to look for Tigers while the cars are moved to Siliguri by truck through the worst traffic that was to hectic for the first day of a rally.
The Sunderbans is a hugh park on the Ganges Delta which is the largest Mangrove Swamp in the World and also the home to about 400 Bengal Tigers. The reserve is approx. 40,000 sq k. and spread across both India and Bangladesh; hence there is lots of trees and Swamps between each tiger so the chance of a sighting is very low. (The size of the park seems to be different areas depending on who is give the talk)
The trip South stated with a 100k 4 hour Bus ride from Kolkata through the suburbs then farming land of the Delta. After the bus ride we boarded a boat for the next 1 1/2 hour through the swamps to our home at the Sunderbans Gateway Resort for the next 2 nights. The resort was on an Island beside the National Park and between the Rally Round Staff and Resort Staff our stay has been fantastic in a very remote part of India.

The first night we had a performance from a local dance troupe prior to having Dinner. Dinner the second night was proceeded with a play put on by the local Drama group. This was a performance about local Folklore that I will remember for a long time. They turned up about an hour early and set up the lights, microphones and musical instruments for the live music in a tent at the end of a paved yard at the resort. The whole performance was in the local language so we understood nothing but we’re all able to make out the basic story.
The day was spent in the Sunderban Tiger Reserve cruising around looking for wildlife and hoping to spot a Tiger. On the Tiger front all we saw was some pug makes where a tiger had walked across the mud from the water earlier in the day. But as always it’s pleasant cruising around on a boat.

Later in the day we did manage to see a couple of Crocs and a few lucky people saw some local Deer.
The whole stay at the Sanderbans Gateway Resort was a great time with comfortable rooms and great local food.
Today we arose at 0500 hrs ready for the long boat ride and even longer Bus trip back to Kolkata airport for the flight up to Siliguri at 1350hrs to be reunited with our cars. Everyone was ready for this event. Tomorrow will be a packing and tinkering day ready for the start of the driving days.
Penny Dowen
Wowee, no swimming here then!!