The rest day in Warsaw started with me going to a shopping centre to look fro a new GPS and see what was available in warm coats. The first shopping centre was a dud so I headed back to the city centre were I was able to get a suitable GPS for the rest of the trip and for me to find my way around the UK.
I meet with some of our group at 12.00 to go on the open top bus tour. This was a great thing except that the bus was running late and commentary didn’t match with the busses location.
At the end of the trip we stopped for a very nice lunch in the warn autumn sunshine at a street side cafe. At the end of lunch we all headed our separate way home with me going via the lager central park to check the autumn colours.
The late afternoon was spent doing a couple little jobs on penny and with some encouragement from Ross I fixed my brake lights that haven’t worked since Laos. Well it all done and working properly after replacing a fuse, 3 blown bulbs and a switch adjustment.
The day was finished with a quite dinner then back to write a post, sort some photos and pack ready to get back on the road at 7.00am tomorrow.
In one week and 1900k we arrive in Helsinki, the end of the trip for most.