Since just soon after we crossed into Kazakhstan we have been about 20 metres below sea level as we have skirted around the northern end of the Caspian Sea. Also it has been the flattest we have seen. For so long with out a hill.
We departed Atyrau early this morning so as not to get caught in the traffic chaos of the Putin visit. We got out of town in tine but 2 car wa bit later then us had a police escort out of town through the road block just to get rid of them from town.
The road in to Atyrau had spoilt us and left us with the belief that it would be smooth sailing from here on in. Our dreams were shattered just out of town when the road turned too a badly rutted pavement for the entire 300k to the Russian Border.
Due to the rain yesterday the drive was even more hazards with all the camels and wild horses drinking out of the puddles on the roadside.
Our drive was very close to a large disaster when a truck pulled out just in front of us, I looked to overtake but due to an oncoming car that wasn’t an option. So it was on the brakes big time, which lead to us siding sideways towards the back of the truck faster then it was driving away. I stoped braking and took the last option which was straight of the side of the road down the 1 metre drop into the table drain, we landed in the bottom of table drain going well so back on the power to get through the slop from the rain to reach a track back up on to the road 50 metres further on. After sitting they a bit to catch our breath and thank whomever you do, we climbed back on the road to continue on with a resolve that this afternoon we would fit the new back tyres that had no tread left on after 12000k of tough roads.
Everything around the edge of the Caspian seems to be Oil and Gas due to it being reportedly the largest oil and gas discovery in the last 10 years.
The road didn’t improve on the way to the border. However the departure from Kazakhstan and entry into Russia was the quickest and least painful of any border, which helped make up for the bad road. The whole process was finished in just over an hour including push-starting Penny at the Kazak Border.
The run to Astrakhan in Russia for the night took us over a floating bridge across one of the many rivers in the Volga River Delta.
Upon arrival at the hotel one of the onlookers pointed out to me that we had a broken main leaf on the front. So the repair list for Penny was now a broken spring leaf to replace, fix a flat, fit 2 new rear tyres, put a new bolt in the starter and greasing because of the rough roads in the last three days. I enlisted the help of Mitchell who had the spring fixed while Garry helped me with the tyres and Maurie did the Starter. All in all we had the jobs finished and tidied up for 6.00pm ready to shower and find tea.

I am beginning to think that you are abusing my name sake!!! She seems to be in need of a lot of repairs and TLC. Thank goodness you missed the truck well done driver. Wishing you all well. Regards Penny
Max Stephenson
Penny has been working very hard on this trip and it is probably the toughest trip other then across Africa. i would never abuse her she is treated like a Queens.
Sallymae Bailey
Lucky lucky lucky Penny – trying out some 4WD slop in table drain without the suitable tyres and keeping it right side up! Well done. I say the Angels were looking after you.