A days travel to visit a historic location.

We departed Bukhara for the drive up to the Dig Site just out of Beruni

The drive started out of a less then average road that was failly rough, as we progressed up the road we started to travel through road works. Then in the middle of nowhere we come upon to the best 4 lane concrete highway for the trip in the middle of the desert. This lasted fro 150 kilometres and then ended as abruptly as it started. It was a great relief for both the cars and the drivers.

On our arrival in Beruni the search for fuel began. In this part of Uzbekistan you can’t buy Petrol from a service station for some Governmental reasoning as most of the cars are on CNG. We asked a person on the street that then lead us to a house in the back of town to buy Black market fuel for a 20% premium. Never mind at least we had the fuel and it was still a lot cheaper then we will be paying when we reach Europe.

On arrival at the dig site we visited the site with Alison Betts the Archaeologist from Sydney Uni running the research project. These places are always so interesting when you are with some one who fully understands what everything is and has a true passion for the work. The site was occupied from about 300 B.C. to 200 A.D. the interesting thing is that when the digging is all finished the site is then recovered with sand to keep persevering it.

At dinner Reg and Mitchel announced that there would not be staying the two nights here and would be leaving for the border in the morning to cross into

Kazakhstan early and would wait in Atyrau for us to arrive on Sunday night.

The rest day at the dig site included a day trip to the Town of Kiva about 80 kilometres away. Kiva is on of the three very historic cites in Uzbekistan along with Samarkand and Bukhara for the ancient history of the country. Al of those that went had an enjoyable quite day in the Old Walled Town. The journey home include a top-up of fuel ready for the 600k trip too our camp site on the border   tomorrow


Hew housing estate in Kiva
Hew housing estate in Kiva


Parked out side Kiva
Parked out side Kiva



Filling the dig site
Filling the dig site


Filling the dig site
Filling the dig site
Black market fuel
Black market fuel


The school Uniforms are so coulorfull.
The school Uniforms are so coulorfull.
Great road in the Middle of nowhere!
A cardboard policeman
A cardboard policeman

One Comment

  1. Great to hear you are safely progressing on this amazing trip.

    LOVE the cardboard policeman!!

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