The Hill of Crosses

Today has been the bleakest days travel for the whole trip. We left Vilnius this morning for a short run up to Riga in Latvia, with overcast skies and the threat of rain. The rain still hasn’t eventuated but it being grey and overcast all day with a very fresh wind blowing.

The one stop we made for the morning was at a place called the Hill of Crosses. The best way to cover this site is to give you the wiki link.

We travelled through flat farming land for the whole trip.

This is the shortest post I’ve written but I have no more today.

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  1. Penny

    Oh gosh!!! I have never seen anything quite like the Hill of Crosses really rather eerily beautiful.
    Well done team the finish is in sight. Brilliant trip but how will you cope with normality?
    Best wishes Penny

  2. Treacy and Lloyd Reddingron

    I just read all your blog as only found out today from Barbara Shooter. What a fabulous trip and well done. I feel as if we are along with you. Thanks for writing such an interesting blog and your photos are wonderful. Good Luck for the remainder days, Lloyd and Treacy

  3. Alim

    Hi Max,
    How r u doing? This is Alim from China.
    After China’s National Holiday together with Eid Festival Holiday which was almost about 10 days, I came back to the office desk again, it seems that you are very close to Helsinki now!
    Pls send my and my family’s best regards to all group members!
    (Ross, Frank, Garry, Joanne, Belinda, Peter, Su, Mauri, Reg and Mitchell) I MISS YOU ALL!
    Take Care!

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