Worst. Hotel. Planning. Ever.

What do 90 or so L2CT rally competitors want to do the night before start: sleep.


What does the rest of the patrons in the hotel want to do on NYE when they have a Disco in one function room and a drum and base/dubsteb rave at the other end, and no licensing laws so the bars were open untill 6am: not sleep.


Guess how it all went down? Not brilliantly is one way to put it.

At Breakfast time this morning you could easily tell who’s rooms were more effected by the noise and ruckus and the wrecklessly loud dubsted playing from the ground floor by the degree of grumpyness and complaints hahaha. I’m glad i can sleep like a rock and was marginly inconvenienced.


EXCEPT, no one could avoid the fire alarm going off at 6:30 am……. that was bad. Word on the street is that some people were told to go to bed, and they didnt agree with management decision so they did what they thought was the most appropriate thing to do……… pull the fire alarm at 6:30…. Now that did not go down well…. at all.


oh well, it is what it is. Today is d-Day!! we have 30 minutes to check out of our room and make our way to scrutineering and then london. wow. today is it. no turning back now!


I will update as often as possible/practical so stay tuned!


James! 🙂

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