Hi all we have made it to Paris yesterday afternoon just after 1pm following approx. 14000 kilometres and 36 days on the road from Beijing.
Firstly I must apologise for being a very pore blogger this trip. On past trips I’ve managed to post at least every couple of days. This trip however was very different in that most of the time has been driving all day and getting to the nights accommodation in time to check Penny, shower, eat then go to bed ready to do it all again the next day.
When I did the P to P in 2010 I was hampered with some small technical issues with springs and steering that caused us to miss parts of the route and some tests So on this rally we set ourselves the goal this trip to drive the total route and do all the tests along the way taking no short cuts, and for doing that we received a gold medal. This was a target that only about 1/3 of the starter were able to reach due to all sorts of mechanical issues along the way.
As a results of the our effort we managed to take out first in our class ahead of all the W O Bentleys and 12th in the pre 1941 Vintageant section which was won by Bruce and Harry Washington in a Chrysler 75.
The Route this year was very diverse with some fantastic stages through the Swiss and Italian Alps with amazing scenery and some fresh snow on one day.
The final day is toped of with a huge gala dinner and award ceremony attended by competitors, friends and family. Julie and I were honoured to receive the Sprit of the Rally Award for helping other crews during the trip.
Will we ever do it again? That’s something to think about and for Julie and I to talk about over the coming months.
I will post more photos and some story’s looking back at the past weeks while I’m in the UK fixing Penny ready for the Amazon in October.