A Short Day To The Next Town

We departed Dawu for a 170 k run to Ganzi in the drizzling rain which had started just on bedtime last night.  Getting going in the morning with the rain in a semi open car it’s always a mission till you are settled inside and warmed up.  About 10 k out of town we came across a small traffic jam waiting for a land slide to get cleared. The road was opened in about 5 mins with the next problem being, sorting out the 2 lines of traffic facing each other, but as always the Chinese get it unscrambled on there own with backing and filling till everyone is going again.


The rest of the day was mostly following the river that had risen a lot overnight and turned Brown. As we pasted the one major town we drove down the main street for a look about and once again created a traffic jam as the local jostled for photos. Out of town about 6 k we pulled up on the side of the road for a morning cuppa in a quite spot. Wrong I don’t think its possible to find a quite spot when you drive a 90 year old car in China, because nearly every car that drove by stopped for photos and they would just pull up on the road and get out of their car and expect people to go around. Later in the morning we drove past a yak that had been hit by a car and the locals where in the process of butchering it on the road with the police directing traffic. We stopped for a photo shoot but got chased away by the police for some reason before I got any good photos.

Since we arrived in town early Penny received some special attention before I headed off around town for a walk.

The blog will have a lot more photos today then will be included with the email you receive so if you want to see some interesting photo from around town you may need to click through to the blog.

Have just found out we need to down the road past some road works by 8.00am so Maurie and I are pulling out at 2.30am as parts of the road are very bad . So early to bed after I push Publish


The road chaos this morning
The road chaos this morning
How do the blind cope with these???
How do the blind cope with these???

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This was one shop in a complete street of furniture shops all making basically the same things
This was one shop in a complete street of furniture shops all making basically the same things


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The Condiment Stall
The Condiment Stall
The Meat Market
The Meat Market

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The river through town
The river through town
This girl was washing her hair on the sidewalk.
The kitchen we ate lunch out of.


The Butcher
The Butcher
This was a very old abandoned Adobe Town with a wall around it on the side of the hill today.
Butchering the Yak on the Road
Butchering the Yak on the Road
A quite Cuppa on our own!!!!
A quite Cuppa on our own!!!!
Street side stall
Street side stall
Hill side Village
Hill side Village
Raging river from overnight rain
Raging river from overnight rain

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