Monkey Wrench – Foo Fighters

Confused all ready??? Don’t be. Monkey Wrench is just the song that I am listening to right at this moment. However, in keeping of style, we do have quite a few monkey wrench’s in our tool box. Let’s hope we don’t need them.

Ok, so this is the beginning of another outrageous adventure. South America this time. Welcome to my blog if this is your first time, my last website was if you want to check out me and Dad’s last long distance vintage car rally in Penny. Welcome to all my old friends and welcome to any new and future friends. Welcome all. I’m James. And Dad/Father dearest/Fahzer/Daddums/Big-daddy/The-good-navigator/The-navigator-who-dropped-our-route-book-over-the-edge-of-the-car-man, his name is Max, my friend and partner in crime.

Timeline: today is the the 1st of February. We leave Aus on the 6th of Feb and do some regular touristy stuff in Argentina/Brasil for a few days and the actual rally start is 14th of Feb.


So what happens on here you ask? Well, as you may know, Dad and I are rallying Penny almost 15,000km’s around South America. Over the next fortnight (2 weeks for you American folk:) ) I will just have updates on general run-of-the-mill shenanigans and cool stories as well as updates on how Penny is when we collect her in Rio. After the rally event has started I will try to write some interesting update of the day’s happenings and stories and if I am not in a wifi area you will just have to wait another day or so to find out what mischief we have got into.

Some highlights and sort of things you can expect on here from last years Africa rally is: hitting a bus in Egypt, seeing giraffes, vintage car drifting and of course me getting semi-arrested in South Africa.

Why are we doing this? Well, ummmm, because we can. Who wouldn’t want to spend 6 solid months repairing/preparing a 90 year old car to ship across the other side of

The world to race for 15,000km’s only to ship the car back and have both car and drivers very tired and in need of recuperation’s. Well me and Dad love it! I cannot resist going to the complete unknown of culture and country to jump into the deep end and do something awesome! It all boils down to one fact, this trip will be LEGEN, wait for it……. DARY.

P.s. most of my blog titles will be some form of a movie/music/entertainment play on words. I love puns.

Stay tuned B’s and G’s. Don’t forget to subscribe so you can be the first of your friends to say ‘I SAW WHAT JAMES DID FIRST’



  1. Brian McMillan

    Roll on the 14th. Go for it!

  2. John Hastie

    Fantastic boys! I am looking forward to your next adventure immensely. Wish I could join you, but following you and others is the best I will manage. Best of luck to you both!! John.

  3. Ruth

    Great to know we will get regular updates again.

  4. Justracing

    Another great adventure! I wish you luck on your journey and will follow your travails with interest.
    Met you guys briefly at Brooklands last year before the start of the European/African jaunt and my pals and I were so impressed with your enthusiasm and the vehicle preparation. Bon voyage!

  5. NickI Reinhardt

    Hey James, once again we’ll be living vicariously and voyeristically through you guys, know you’ll have THE BEST time, love to Max. Nicki R XXX

  6. James Stephenson

    Thanks guys, it should be a pretty epic adventure!

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