Dunstan Checks In

Dunstan Checks In is the coolest movie made about a chimpanzee. Well, i thought of that when we saw a chimp (it could have been something slightly different but i don’t care) running along the side of the road picking things up and investigating them. Deciding whether he can eat it, hit something with it, or scratch his butt with it.

All i can say about last nights accommodation is that it was interesting, and an experience. In the buffet style dinner they had for us; whole fish heads to chose from (obviously i tried some, you can guess that it is not on the list of things to do again). Cold water shower has been the norm for quite a while so that wasn’t unexpected. There was also a massive thunderstorm that rolled through at about 4 in the morning, woke everyone up with really really close lightning strikes. Well i slept through it.

There was a few crews that actually arrived at this place and decided to drive the next 600k’s to Lusaka (an intercontinental Hotel) to skip out the dodgy night. I reckon these are the times that you remember, to total shotty-ness of it all is great!

The world cup stage today was fantastic!!! Best short stage so far. Only 9km’s but it was on an old farm, amongst some buslands. Very narrow and fairly straight aside from a few bends and kinks now and then. It was only 2 wheel tracks, thick grass either side and a ribbon of thick grass in the middle (lapping at the undercarriages). Just so much fun.



One Comment

  1. John Hastie

    Hi James and Max – your blog is highly entertaining! I really hope you can keep it up….

    Regarding those who drove ANOTHER 600KM’s to the luxury hotel…..I think they don’t quite get what you’re there for. My favourite overnight stop on the P2P was at the Turist Hotel on our 1st night in Kazakhstan. Genuine cold war hotel and it hadn’t changed a bit. But what an experience!

    Stick to your guns and enjoy the ride…’ll be over all too soon.

    John Hastie.

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