Stairway to Heaven

False! More like a slippery slide into the fiery pits of hell itself. Thats one way to describe the road to Mars today. By Odin’s beard it was a tough day. 250K’s took 10 hours for us, the first 190 took almost 8 hours. The fourbies cleared the day without breaking a sweat, arriving in camp some 4-5 hours before us. And we were the 3rd 2-wheel drive car to even arrive. Then after us there was a steady stream until midnight of the tailing cars to make their way. It was shocking the amount of carnage from today, me and dad between us don’t have enough fingers to count how many people broke shockies. Now and then we would be overtaken by someone, then an hour later see them on the side of the road fitting a new set of dampers.

The amount of service crews here in the carpark is stunning, cars here there and everywhere are high in the air on stands, with entire suspension quarters lying on the ground in some state of fixing/welding/repairing/removing.

We made it trouble free because we just took it slow and steady. No punctures, no broken springs, no hassles. The only big risk we had was hitting our sump on some giant rock poking out of the ground (everywhere) but i took it steady and careful and made it! A true tortoise and the hare story.


Up until a few days ago i was oblivious to a big thing in the rally, i had no idea that Joost Van-something-or-other in the 1973 911 Porsche had nothing inside his car at all. Because he had entered his own car, and 3 other 4×4’s as his personal service team. He is a serious racer. Some mornings we leave earlier then schedule and i would pull over when i see a cloud of dust in the mirror. And he would FLY past us at breakneck speeds. Unbelievable


The campsite we had was awesome! Really really well done. We had nice warm/hot showers from buckets hanging from trees, a cot bed thing with a mattress and blanket, and awesome food. We did however have to shit in a hole, but hey! That’s Africa! Ahhaha

Nairobi tomorrow with a rest day, much needed. I am wrecked!! After one day of Dad driving, i’m back in the drivers seat, with the very occaisonal need for dad to depress the clutch pedal for me when im stopped, fixing the linkage today so i can be back solo driving! 😀 I’ve been asked why I drive everything, and pretty much,  Dad is a fantastic navigator (better then me) and I am a better driver. Stick to what you’re good at i reckon.



One Comment

  1. RuthP

    You would expect a winner if yuo have apersonal service team of e vehicles etc!!

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